What I'd do if I do it.

I have been writing music since I was four.I wrote only the words then.My mother then taught me how to put doewn some notes.
My mother,Mrs.Willie Mae.Wright.Her maiden name was Willie Bell.Hamilton,but was changed to Willie Jones by her step/adopted father.She was born in Jackson,Mississippi,and came to New York to study music in the early '60's.When she had me in the late'60's,she stopped awhile,then started again.By the time I was three,I had seen and heard enough to know music was my calling.I have always loved music,and people started telling my mother I was musically inclined,because I was always himming tunes no one had ever heard before.I haven't had formal training yet,but I will soon.

My mother trained in vocals with Jimmy Willis,and in nusic composition with Winnie Scott"Miss winnie".She took classes in the early 1960's,and also jammed/studied with some of Louis Armstrong's musician in cluding a Mr.Malcolm(she met in while staying in a hotel called The Endicott).
She had an affair with a famous singer(my father).but at the moment I cannot say who he is).
Keep a look out for my photos!

I will have a new  song on my site in three weeks!